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Giving is also Worshipping

God provides for the ministry of our church through your tithes and offerings and your gifts are honored with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and accountability. It’s more than keeping the lights on and the gears turning; it’s about personal worship to God and handing Him back what He already owns…and it’s about lives changing through the transformative power of the Gospel in our region and beyond.


"But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this?  Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”

- 1 Chronicles 29:14

How to Give

There are many ways we can give back to the Lord to express our love for Him, for fellow believers, and for those who need to know him.  Although this site provides methods for financial giving through our local church, we give in many ways.


You are encouraged to serve in some way within the church and to minister to others as the Lord brings them across your path.  We are challenged to live every day intent upon “Showing God’s Love and Telling His Story”.

“But as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for you—see that you excel in this act of grace also.” (2 Corinthians 8:7)

As to giving financially to and through First Street Community Church, you have several options:


Option 1 - CashApp


Option 2 - Give During Any of Our In-Person Services
There is an opportunity in every worship service for you to give. If you wish a giving statement at the end of the year, please place your gift inside an “offering envelope”.  The Usher will have some located at the back of the sanctuary.  You can simply place your envelope, check or cash in the offering plate during service.  

Option 3 – Mail or Bank Bill Pay
You can mail your contribution, or have your bank bill pay system mail it, to:
  Gospel Tabernacle COGIC
  465 South Perry Street

  Montgomery, Alabama 36104


Option 4 -Drop Box at the Church

You can drop off your contribution in the GT drop box located at the entrance facing Perry Street (white doors).  Make sure to place your contribution in an envelop with your name and how it should be allocated.  


One final quote to encourage you:

"If you're not currently giving to the Lord, I challenge you to start by making a commitment. Give something faithfully and regularly. I'm certain God will honor and bless your commitment. If a tenth seems too overwhelming, consider making it a goal. Giving may feel like a huge sacrifice at first, but I'm confident you'll eventually discover its rewards.


Giving honors the Lord and allows his work to go forward. It also helps build our faith.


We may experience times of financial hardship when we can't give as much, but the Lord still wants us to trust Him in times of lack. God, not our paycheck, is our provider. He will meet our daily needs.

A friend of my pastor once told him that financial giving is not God's way of raising money—it's his way of raising children."

~by Mary Fairchild at


Missions Giving

Gospel Tabernacle gives to local missions as well.  We currently have set up a Clothes Closet where we collect clothes for those in need and give them out on a regular basis.  We are currently restocking the clothes closet for future use.  ​


Sundries and Toiletries collection - we work with a local nursing home by gathering sundries, snacks, and toiletries for residents.  We are currently collecting to build up a stock to donate to the nursing home.  â€‹

  • Can I Participate Digitally?
    Yes. If you can participate via Zoom or by watching YouTube? Our Sunday School and Morning Worship are streamed to Youtube.
  • Is There Something For My Kids?
    Yes! We love our kids at Gospel Tabernacle. At Gospel Tabernacle, we focus on raising up the next generation of leaders who will change the world for the Kingdom. During Service, kids can participate in classes in-person. We have a new Kids' Ministry that we are growing.
  • Where Do I Participate In Person?
    Gospel Tabernacle's in-person campus is located in Downtown Montgomery, Alabama. We are a church serving the metro Montgomery area.
  • How Do I Join A Group or Ministry?
    Here at Gospel Tabernacle, we also call groups "ministries". And there is a place for you in a ministry. To join a ministry, visit the Ministries page and chose the ministry that works best for you!
  • What Time is Service?
    Morning Worship services are Sundays at 10:15 am and Sunday School at 9:00 am. The time is the same whether you choose to join us online or in person. Online services are streamed live on YouTube - you'll be able to engage from anywhere.
  • How I give to Gospel Tabernacle?
    There are several ways to give to Gospel Tabernacle. Ce currently accept giving through Cash App ($gtcogicmgm), in person during services, through mail (checks and money orders only) and through the drop box at the church. WE currently do not accept online giving.
  • Is Gospel Tabernacle a 501(c)3 Organization?
  • How do I obtain a copy of my giving statement?
    Records of your giving can be obtained through our Treasury Office. Please reach out to the office for further information.
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